
Welcome to San Antonio Assembly No. 159

(Constituted August 1950)

2025 Officers of San Antonio Assembly No. 159

Supreme Worthy President
(Mrs. David) Wynn C Evans,
Phoenix 213, AZ

Supreme Website

Officers of San Antonio Assembly No. 159

Worthy President(Mrs. John A.) Mary Brogan, PSWP
Most Worthy Oracle(Mrs. Thomas) Diane Beckley, PP
Worthy First Vice PresidentVacant
Worthy Second Vice President(Mrs. David) Elizabeth Dixon
Worthy Preceptress(Mrs. T. E. "Gene")Gay Carnes, PP
Recorder(Mrs. Joe) Margie Estlack, PP
Treasurer(Mrs. Roger) Betty Cockrell, PP
Marshal(Mrs. Terry) Monette Littlepage, PP
Assistant Marshal(Mrs. Robert) Mary Sue Cox, PP
Chaplain(Mrs. Robert) Charlene Carpenter
Director of MusicVacant
Standards BearerVacant
Color BearerVacant
Mistress of the WardrobeVacant
Daughter of the HouseholdVacant
Inner GuardVacant
Outer Guard(Mrs. Reese L.) Judy Harrison